Why I started Women’s health matters

Our founder, Simone Szabo, is one of the most energetic, multi-tasking women you’ll ever meet.  She runs multiple physiotherapy businesses, is a mum-of-three, mentors other physiotherapists, is always researching the latest evidence-based physio practices.  In her spare time (what spare time?!) she also jogs…. so WHY did she take on the challenge of starting Women’s Health Matters?!

 Here she shares why it was a must do.

1. Well… because women’s health really does matter.  So why is it so often overlooked? 

Having worked for many years as a sports and musculoskeletal physiotherapist, I have had the opportunity to treat many women throughout various life stages.  I started to develop a love for all things women’s health.  This came from a combination of my own journey as a mother of three, as well as a love of seeing the impact we could have on women’s live.  I began to realise women health was an area often overlooked, yet in such need.

2. Because sensitive issues deserve their own space

Having treated women’s health patients within my busy private practice physiotherapy clinic for many years, I just felt like it was time to give our ladies a space of their own.  Often, as women’s health physios, we are seeing ladies with complex, private or intimate issues that deserve the highest level of privacy and discretion.  So WHM was created as an independent safe space for women where you can feel welcome, calm and nurtured!

3. To team up with other experts just as passionate as me

I a so lucky to have such an amazing team with me at WHM.  All our physios are extremely experienced, professional and nurturing, and are just as passionate about our cause as I am.  Our years of experience and various areas of special interest allow us to offer the most up-to-date, evidence based care for the ladies of our local community.

4. To break down the stigma

I am passionate about building awareness around women’s health conditions and brining them to the forefront of discussion.  I think it should be common practice to speak about women’s health conditions.  Women should be empowered to take control over their own health, and that they don’t have to accept their symptoms.  We need to expect more.

5. To educate women that they don’t have to ‘just accept’ their conditions

Pelvic floor dysfunction is such a large barrier for women to participating in physical activity, sport, exercise, and everyday activities.  It can affect relations, mental health, and physical health.  I regularly see women accepting poor outcomes after the birth of their babies, suffering from debilitating symptoms such as urinary incontinence, prolapse and abdominal separation, given poor guidance and treatment around symptoms experienced during peri menopause and through menopausal years.

6. To empower women to make decisions about their birthing journeys

I feel extremely privileged to have had so much knowledge around managing my mind and body throughout  my own three pregnancies.  I was able to make informed choices around my birth options to help improve my outcome, maintain exercise routines throughout my pregnancies, control my back and pelvic pain during pregnancy, manage my pelvic floor and abdominal separation, and recover well after all 3 of my children.

However, as I treated more and more women, I realised this was not the case for many.  It was all too common I was hearing things like ‘Why didn’t I know that?  Why did no one tell me that?  I wish I knew that earlier’… and the list goes on.  This lack of knowledge leads to lack of power over your won health, which can then lead to long term negative impacts on your physical and mental health.  this applies to many other areas of women’s health such as the impact of peri menopause, menopause, pelvic pain, painful periods… and the list goes on.

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